For 2019, CMEDS has made some minor changes to the CMEDS forms based on feedback from families, therapists and other stakeholders.
Please ensure you use the updated Equipment Loan Request Form, Repair Request Form and Equipment Return Form available for download on CMEDS website.
These changes include:
Equipment Loan Form:
No more “short term vs long term loan designation”.
Added ‘Size’ category for Standers, Walkers and Bath Chairs.
Equipment Return Form:
More information on types of equipment available for pick-up and drop-off at equipment dealer.
Small items must be dropped off to nearest CMEDS dealer and are not available for home pickup. See website for equipment available for at home pick-up.
Equipment may be returned to your local Child Development Centre (CDC), please ask your Therapist or CDC if equipment may be returned there.
Repair Request Form:
Added Date of Birth on form.
CMEDS Return Process
As a friendly reminder, it is very important that when families drop off equipment to HME, or applicable Child Development Centre or equipment is picked up, that the CMEDS Return Form is completed. There have been cases lately where equipment is being left at CDCs with no return paperwork. The issue this creates is that therapists and CMEDS do not know where and which family the equipment belonged too, so we cannot ‘check it back” into the system with MCFD. This can then cause issues with funding, as if equipment still shows as out to family (ie: Stroller is still out with them) the new loan or funding approval may be denied.
How do equipment warranties work for the CMEDS Program?