TriStander positioner does the job of three standers. Its unique design allows prone, supine or vertical standing so a single stander can provide a variety of positioning needs.
Litestream XF Manual Wheelchair
Tension Adjustable Back
Hot pink
Rifton Activity Chair
Large Tray – easy to remove/clean
Mobile- 4 Wheels
Caster Locks on wheels
Come Join us September 11th at REE!
Where: Richmond Olympic Oval
When: Sept 11th 8am – 4pm
Come out and meet the HME team at REE! This year HME will have a larger booth at REE with separate CMEDS booth as part of HME display area. Come out to discuss CMEDS with us, meet the team and learn more about the program! Staff from the Ministry of Children and Families (Program Manager) wioll also be on the hand at CMEDS booth to discuss funding questions in person.
Just an FYI we made an update to the CMEDS forms:
“Batteries have a useful life of 35 years. As such, one battery change every 2 years is covered under CMEDS. In the event the batteries become discharged due to lack of charging (ie. powerchair not used over summer), CMEDS will not cover this and alternative funding will be required.”
Quick Reminder
Please note that per the MCFD Car Seats can NEVER be recycled as per Transport Canada. With these items we would not know if the unit had been in a car accident (even if family states it has not) so we cannot recycle.
Modification vs Adjustment vs Repair
What is a modification and what is an adjustment? What does it mean anyways?
At a high level the major differences between an adjustment and a modification is:
An adjustment is a non-permanent change to equipment that can be accomplished onsite with basic tools and does not require new parts to be completed. These can be completed at the time of original delivery, or within a reasonable time frame from the original delivery date (i.e. 30 days)
An adjustment can be requested on the CMEDS Repairs Request form
Adjustments can be performed by HME for CMEDS equipment
A modification is a permanent alteration to equipment that requires new parts on the base product
For any modification requests made within 14 days of equipment delivery, modifications will be permissible through CMEDS if the parts are available in the recycled pool. If the parts are not available, and/or it is past 14 days, then the request should quoted by any MSA dealer to AHP
A modification request needs to submitted to the At Home Program for approval with a quote, and Letter of Justification from the prescribing therapist for the requested components
A modification may be quoted by any MSA dealer, as it is not through the CMEDS program
Please note that CMEDS has a limited stock of recycled parts harvested from equipment that has been written off. CMEDS does not purchase parts for modifications, therefore if accessories are not available from the pool, please refer to AHP funding
Please note that CMEDS will not “down” other pieces of fully assembled equipment/systems to adjust or modify a piece of equipment that is with a client
Tightening/repositioning a headrest Changing the width of a chair (if requires new parts)
Changing the width of a chair (if requires new parts)
Adjusting the angle of a backrest or back canes if the product allows
Requesting waterfall armrests when the wheelchair has full length armrests
Lengthening legrests
Changing from plastic footplates to aluminum angle adjustable footplates
Raising the STF if parts are not required (usually up to 1″ of change can be accomplished without parts)
Changing STF if parts are needed (i.e. changing caster and wheel sizes.
Changing the dump in the wheelchair
Changing casters/wheels from solid polyurethane to air inserts
Changing center of gravity (if applicable to chair)
Changing the back canes on a chair (taller or shorter)
A repair of equipment is typically a service request to repair equipment to return it to a usable and safe condition
Repairs resulting from general use of products, such as tuning up the equipment
A repair is completed through the CMEDS program (contact HME or the local dealer listed in the Repair Request Form if outside ofHME’s service area)
Lost/damaged (caused by misuse) items are not considered repairs under CMEDS
Replacing a lost anti tipper or wheel lock extension is NOT a repair
CMEDS covers one flat tire per year, otherwise these are not a repair